I have never agonized over packing for a trip like I did for this adventure. I don’t get cold as easily as some, but if I realized in Antarctica that I needed more clothes, it would be too late! I looked at many articles online and talked to friends who had made this same trip in previous years. Everything on my list below was used except I never ended up using the fleece pants (my thermal underwear was lined and cozy enough), I never ended up using my swimsuit (too busy for the hot tub), and I used my normal (hiking) socks instead of the merino wool ones.
- Everyday clothes
- 12 t-shirts
- 5 casual pants
- 2 capris (for Buenos Aires)
- Underwear & socks
- Sneakers
- Sandals for Buenos Aires
- Bathing suit (for the hot tub)
- Light jacket (mostly for the plane)
- Landing clothes
- 2 fleece jackets
- 1 fleece pants
- 2 pairs thermal underwear
- 2 pairs merino socks
- 2 thick hats + 1 thin
- 2 neck/face covers
- Ski gloves + mittens
- Light gloves
- Waterproof pants
- Other
- GoPro + accessories
- Tablet
- Earbuds
- Standard toiletries, with emphasis on good lotion, lip balm, and sunscreen.
- Masks (yes, I was in the minority wearing them)
- Albert Penguinton IV (Bertie to his friends)